We’ve all had that question before. What team comps are better than others? There is so much diversity when it comes to choosing your team of legends and there are surely some that outperform others. When selecting your legend, be mindful of what your team chooses and complement their selection or vice versa. You’ll also want to coordinate on the best loadouts for success to increase your odds of winning. Here I will show you the trio teams you didn’t know you needed to crush the competition.
9. Loba – Pathfinder – Wraith

This comp can be really fun if played correctly. I like to call this a hunting team. There is a lot of mobility here with each legend. Loba has her teleport, Pathfinder has his grappling hook, and Wraith has her increased speed while invisible. Together this team can track down a team when nearby shots are heard or help a teammate quickly if they run up on another team.
There are just so many combo plays you can run with this team. Pathfinder can ult right side and rotate in, Loba can teleport left for the flank, and Wraith can swarm up the middle. You can easily mix it up and get creative with this group of legends as the possibilities are endless and will have the opposing team on their toes.
On the other end of this team, there is another perk for high mobility. Evading and escaping. If you fall victim to a 3rd party team rolling upon you, it shouldn’t be too difficult for your team to roll out of there with minimal damage. Each of you could use your abilities to quickly escape or use Wraith’s ult and then use your abilities to get further away and regroup.
8. Lifeline – Valkyrie – Bloodhound

Nothing is more fun than a little Support – Attack – Recon team. You will see a lot of these throughout your games but this comp is my favorite for this type of team. So it’s pretty simple. With this team comp, I recommend taking for outdoor fights if possible but you shouldn’t have too many problems fighting indoors.
Lifeline is there for gun support and healing with the occasional supply drop. You can’t go wrong with a lifeline. If you take on too much enemy fire your lifeline can drop her heal drone while you only need to worry about replenishing your shields. Not only does her heal drop come in handy but her passive is a major bonus. If you get knocked she can simply go to pick you up by dropping her bot off to do the job. She can even drop 2 bots at the same time if both teammates are knocked!
Bloodhound is great when you are forced into a city or an area with a lot of buildings. He can easily scan the area for nearby enemies so you do not get snuck upon. Also, if you are rotating to a new location, Bloodhound will be able to see recent footstep of their was or is a team nearby. This is usually a good indicator to use his scanning ability.
Valkyrie is a constant threat and makes it hard for teams to hide behind objects in the open. She can simply shoot them behind the object with her missiles, so the enemy team is forced to either run inside or fight in the open. If your team gets into a situation where you are pinched are getting zone camped, Valkyrie’s ult gives her and her teammates the ability to launch in the air and drop into a different location for safety.
7. Horizon – Crypto – Fuse

I like to call this the Bait-n-Trap team. It is funny how many times this comp works when uses correctly. This team consists of Recon, Mobility, and Attack. Classic but deadly comb when used with great teamwork. Whether you’re fighting outdoors or indoors, this team will surely give any opposing team a run for their money.
Let’s say you’re in a city and hear an enemy team inside a building you’re approaching. Use Crypto’s recon drone to scout it out and find where the enemies are located. Next, take the high ground with Horizon and use Crypto’s ult to slow and stun the enemies. This is where you rush in and use Horizon’s ult to suck them in one spot. While everyone is free-firing, use Fuse’s cluster-nade at the black hole to get massive AoE damage on the enemy team. This will surely give you the edge in the fight if not easy kills.
This is a super fun team and can also work great outside. You can just repeat the steps above, but Fuse can also ult to rain down missiles on the enemy when they are stuck in the black hole. If worse comes to worst and you begin to lose the upper hand, have Crypto leave the fight and find a secure spot to hide. Once Horizon and Fuse have been eliminated, simply launch your drone and go pick up their recon beacons with it. You can also reboot your teammates while in the drone!
6. Rampart – Caustic – Wattson

Defense, defense, and more defense. Do you want a tank squad? Do you want an impenetrable fortress of nightmares? Well give this comp a try and reap the rewards. Anytime I see Rampart turrets, Wattson fences, and Caustic gas trap, I go straight in the opposite direction. If you’re more of a passive gamer and don’t mind lurking and waiting for your next victim, then this comp is your dream team just waiting.
This one is pretty simple. You will literally dominate any building you step foot in. Secure all entry points with electric fences from Wattson, place turrets from Rampart, and surround with interior with Caustic traps. You will get the occasional psycho squad who is determined to penetrate your defenses. They can surely try but they will not be a match for the tank squad.
If somehow the enemy team gets past your defenses then it’s time to buckle down. They have surely taken a little bit of damage whether from the fences, turrets, or gas traps. Now that the enemy is in your fortress it’s ultimate time. Wattson and Caustic need to use their ults immediately. This way the team’s shields will constantly recharge, grenades will be stopped, and enemy line of sight will be blocked. As a team, work together to eliminate the enemy for drive them out of the fortress.
5. Valkyrie – Pathfinder – Bloodhound

This team may seem odd at first but you will quickly come to love them. You will be going for more of a scout and rush playstyle here. This team is constantly on the move looking for the next fight. If you hear gunfire, you run to it. If you hear footstep, you scan it and push. We’ll call this the Run-n-Gun squad.
Not too much to explain here but some keynotes to point out. Always be on the move with this team. You don’t have any defensive abilities so take the fight to someone before they bring it to you. This team has pretty high mobility with Valkyrie and Pathfinder. Even Bloodhound can speed up in his ult. Once you find an enemy team then it’s game on.
The tactic here will be to utilize speed, vision, and aggression. Once you engage a team you need to scan to identify their locations. When that is established it’s time for Valkyrie to launch missiles to separate them and/or cause some damage all while Pathfinder and Bloodhound charge in and fire off more damage. Valkyrie gets the high ground at this point to finish off any final enemies.
4. Octane – Revenant – Caustic

Here we have another take on an aggressive team. This comp is a little better because you can be very aggressive while also being completely safe. I like to call this my Dive-Bomb team.
At first glance, this team seems a little odd and a bad idea. This is far from the truth. Once everything comes together, this comp is a weapon of mass destruction. So hears how it works.
You simply throw down Revenant’s Death Totem and protect it with Caustic gas traps. Once this is done then enter the death totem. Octane now needs to throw his launchpad down and now it’s time for you all to fly in and stomp your enemies. Have Revenant disable the enemy’s abilities and Caustic throw his gas-nade and you have a recipe for destruction.
3. Caustic – Rampart – Revenant

Unlike the earlier mention defense team, this comp comes with a little more punch. Here we took out Wattson and added Revenant. This adds a little more spice and calls for more gunplay. Your comp won’t be a tank but will still do serious damage and has a few outplay mechanics.
You will do your normal setup by protecting your building with Caustic traps and Rampart turrets. The fortress you have now created will anger and strike fear in most of your opponents. If you do by chance have an enemy team that tries to push in, have Revenant immediately throw down his Death Totem. Use this opportunity to deal damage to the oncoming enemy team and have that extra life to come back and finish the job.
2. Wraith – Gibraltar – Bloodhound

With such a timeless and classic team comp, you can’t go wrong here. This team is the staple of all Attack, Defense, Recon comps….and for good reason. When you utilize this team’s abilities to the fullest, you will easily crush any team you cross.
Your basic strategy will be to use Gibraltar’s shield bubble for any incoming fire. He is just a solid choice for defense if you are looking to play a little more aggressively and also run out in the open. Since his hitbox is so much bigger than most legends, he also has more health. Once you have gained solid ground and positioning, use Gibraltar’s ult to rain down missiles on the enemy to lock them into place or have them rotate to where you are.
Having Bloodhound is key to determining the enemy’s position in order to know where to flank and where to use ultimate abilities. He is also essential to tracking down enemies who try to run and hide from you. Use his scan whenever possible to prevent being snuck up on or losing track of enemies.
Wraith will be your team’s main ability to rotate and flank. If you are being ambushed, throw down Gibraltar’s shield and follow Wraith’s portal to safety. On the other end, if you are engaging an enemy team, have your two other teammates initiate cover fire while your flank and open up a portal for them. Once the portal is open, three-man rush the enemy and throw them off guard.
1. Lifeline – Bangalore – Crypto

Never again be scared to run in a building guns-a-blazing. Never again be afraid to run across that open field to safety. This comp dominates and is very versatile no matter their environment. Whether you’re stuck inside surrounded, getting snipped in the open field, or getting pinched by two teams, you have outplay mechanics that will either let you escape or confused and disorient the enemy team.
Say you’re stuck inside a building as a team approaches. This deadly combo will have teams either back off or run into their deaths. If a team pushes you inside, launch a smoke grenade and deploy Crypto’s drone and leave it in a high corner for vision. This will give you easy vision on a team that rushes the smoke trying to hunt you down. You can also be outside for this strategy to work. Even if one of you is taken down in the smoke, Lifeline can easily get you up and fire down the enemy due to Crypto’s drone vision.
Don’t think this is just a defensive team trying to evade. You can also go on the offense here. Use Crypto’s drone for recon and once a team is spotted head that way. Once you reach them, fire smoke grenades and leave the drone up for vision to take them out. This comp is great for any team trying to mix it up and add a little spice to their gameplay. Opposing teams won’t know what to do once inside your smoke.