The best way to succeed as Lifeline – Apex Guide

We are here to talk about your favorite combat medic, Lifeline. Lifeline has gone through many changes on her Apex journey and is still a top legend in today’s selection. When paired with the best trio comps, she is a force to be reckoned with. I personally love using this legend, not only to support my team but for the quick heals and versatility she brings to the table. Today’s guide will walk you through why Lifeline is an essential part of any team and how to use her to her maximum potential.

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Lifeline – Apex Guide: Strengths and Weaknesses

Lifeline is a top-of-the-line support character. When her team needs her to drop heals, she is there. With a simple drop of her D.O.C Heal Drone, it will start to heal the team. Lifeline’s abilities are not just for her team but for herself as well. As of Season 9, Lifeline’s passive no longer deploys a shield when reviving teammates. On the other hand, she passive can still drop the drone to revive not just one teammate, but both of them at the same time if the situation permits.

Her tactical heal received a buff and is great to use if low on Syringes and Med-Kits or even if you’re mid-fight. We also have her ultimate which drops a care package for you and your team. This loot is not exclusively for you and we will discuss this later as you will see. All of her abilities are highly valuable for any team and, if used correctly, can gain your team the upper edge in any game.

Lifeline – Apex Guide: Abilities Overview

There are some legends I’ve played where I don’t use their ultimate ability that often and somewhere I think their passive ability is useless. With Lifeline, I am always using every ability she has and I find great success with her. Let’s take a look at what she has to offer.

  • Passive: Combat Revive
    • Tap a downed teammate to deploy D.O.C for an automated revive. Lifeline is free to cover fire and defend.
  • Tactical: D.O.C Heal Drone
    • Your healing drone can be dropped to heal nearby teammates and yourself over a period of time.
  • Ultimate: Care Package
    • Call in a package that drops high-tier gear as well as additional healing items.

Combat Revive Tips (Passive)

This is one of the most powerful passive abilities in the game. Other players tend to think differently after it was nerfed in the Season 9 update, but I think differently. Lifeline’s passive allows her to use her drone to revive downed teammates. Of course, you need to be careful with nearby enemies but using the drone to revive allows you the chance to cover your teammate during that process.

Things you might not have known about Lifeline’s Combat Revive:

  • You can actually cancel the revive by interacting with your downed teammate. This is helpful if you tried reviving in an open area that your teammate can easily be griefed from. Simply interact with them to cancel and let them crawl to a safer location before reviving again.
  • The Gold Backpack makes Lifeline’s passive even better. The backpack gives revived teammates extra health and shields and will give them the opportunity to hop right back into the fight if needed immediately. This is also a great combo in Apex Arenas and should be used often.
heal drone

D.O.C Heal Drone Tips (Tactical)

Lifeline’s healing drone is an amazing perk for any team comp. When you drop her heal drone it heals you and your teammates over a short period of time. This ability lasts for a solid 20 seconds but be careful, this can also heal enemies. D.O.C allows you and your team to save on Syringes and Medkits while passively healing and fighting enemies.

Things you might not have known about Lifeline’s Heal Drone:

  • Season 9 buffed D.O.C – the healing rate increased from 5 to 8 HP per second, and the deploy time decreased by 33%.
  • Use Shield Cells or Batteries while healing with D.O.C if low on shields. This allows you to heal both slots at the same time and get back into the fight quicker.
  • Your healing drone applies to everyone. So yes, even enemies can run in and use it if you back off the drone. Make sure no enemies are near when dropping your heal drone.
  • During the 20 seconds duration, your healing drone will not necessarily heal everyone to 100% all the time. The healing is also split among players. So if all 3 players are using the drone then it will heal much slower than if one player were using it.
  • In the old day, you could use your drone to heal outside the zone. This is no longer the case as your drone will be destroyed after 2 ticks of damage outside the zone.
care package

Care Package Tips (Ultimate)

Lifeline’s ultimate ability calls in a supply drop for the team. This can be a game-changer if you and your team are struggling to find better gear. Drop the supply drop in a secure location and get ready for the loot. It takes 15 seconds to drop in so be careful not to let enemy teams rush you in the meantime.

Things you might not have known about Lifeline’s Care Package:

  • You’ll want to make sure the location you want to call in the supply drop is secure. Yes, your Lifeline called it in but enemies can still access it. The supply drop will display a blue beam of light in the sky, letting enemies know there is a Lifeline nearby using her ultimate.
  • The Care Package contains 3 distinct items. One healing item, one piece of gear, and one weapon attachment. The gear attachment will always be an upgrade to the lowest gear piece on the team (no red armor). There are also no weapon drops in the supply drop.
  • Care Packages are not only great for loot but also for cover. Since it is a rather big object, using it as cover and climbing on top of it are viable options when in combat.
  • Share the loot! The Care Package is a vital team element for a reason and should not just be “Lifeline’s loot”.

Lifeline – Apex Guide: Tips and Tricks

Lastly, I want to go over some tips and tricks you should be aware of while playing Lifeline. Try to apply these in each of your matches going forward.

  • Always use your abilities. I can’t tell you how many times after a fight I am just looting as Lifeline and my teammates are using Syringes to heal. Get in the habit of throwing down your D.O.C healing drone after every fight so your teammates can focus and just replenishing shields. Then they will be able to loot quicker and get out of there before another team rolls up.
  • No Ultimate Accelerant left unused. If someone on your team finds an Ultimate Accelerant then it belongs to you. Have your team grab those for you and feed them to you like candy. This will enable you to drop your Care Package more frequently to upgrade gear, weapon attachments, and grab more heals.
  • Be smart about reviving. This is just to reiterate to not revive teammates in the open. Once your passive is active, your teammates can no longer crawl to a safe revive spot. Let them crawl to a secure location and then proceed to revive them and give them some cover fire.
  • Don’t be greedy with the Care Package. We’ve all had a Lifeline who runs off solo to drop her Care Package to grab the initial items. You are only as strong as your weakest link and cutting your teammates off from that loot doesn’t help anyone get a win in Apex.

Well, that’s it! You are now on your way to being one of the best Lifeline’s out there. Take this guide with you and use it to your every advantage. Every tip and trick in here will get you the success your looking for in your Apex games. Also, look into the best Apex loadouts to improve your skills even more. Hop into a game right now with your friends and show them the new and improved player you are.

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