Resident Evil Village tips that will save your life

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Resident Evil: Village, just like all previous Resident Evil installments, continues to make my list of favorite horror games. Just like Biohazard, Village does a spectacular job of creating fear and caution for the person behind the controller/PC. If you are familiar with previous Resident Evil games then you know that the game is full of puzzles. Luckily there is no wrong method when it comes to solving said puzzles, but this article will include tips on how to go about them as well as optimizing your gameplay experience throughout this masterpiece.

On this page:

Don’t forget the map

The game is full of different settings so it is important to pick up the maps in each different location where the game takes you. Each map contains information about the different floor levels as well as treasure spots that contain weapons, weapon attachments, and valuable objects that you can sell to the merchant.

When a room is red, your map legend states you are “Currently Searching” but in reality, it means there is more loot to find. Keep exploring the room until the red color changes to blue, indicating “Search Completed”.

Mr. Duke is your hero

The Duke will probably come to be your favorite character in the game due to the fact that he is your merchant throughout your journey. As you go deeper into the story the Duke will offer better inventory in order to assist you. One important item that I recommend all players to buy as soon as they are able to would be the increased inventory purchase. There are 3-4 different times you can upgrade your inventory space and I highly recommend you do so in order to carry more weapons, heals, and ammo.

The Duke also allows you to upgrade your weapons at his shops. Make sure you use your money wisely to upgrade the early guns in the game or else you will go through a whole clip of a gun just to kill one Lycan or zombie.

Choosing your fights

Be sure to know when and when not to fight! Sometimes it’s best to run past your enemies in order to collect yourself or save ammo. Your enemies will always be at their usual spawn point if you have not killed them so you can always go back and finish the job. I recommend choosing your fights wisely because each enemy drops a treasure item that you can always sell to the Duke.

You should also know that you can parry enemies by kicking them to knock them back. Doing this will give your time to reload your weapon if you get in a sticky situation. If you need additional time to reload and switch to your secondary, simply kick them to give you that extra time.

Ammo goes by quick in this game, but you know what doesn’t use ammo? That’s right, your knife. When fighting one enemy at a time I recommend blocking and knifing to conserve your ammunition. But if you find yourself going up against 2-3 or more enemies at the same time (which you will) and the bosses, then shoot away. ***Do not try to bring a knife to a boss fight***

Explore and Craft

Take the time to enjoy the game and explore each corner of an area, especially after you’ve wasted all the enemies that have spawned. There are many items you can find in shacks and rooms such as scraps, herbs, gunpowder, and chem fluid. All these items can help you craft healings, ammo, and explosives. So why waste your money?

Craft ammo and heals while in-between visits with Duke and that will ensure you stay safe. This can help you save your money rather than buying ammo from the Duke. The game also has small treasures and gems lying around that will flash if you look closely. Gather these to sell to the Duke.

Weapon Selection

Ethan is able to slot 4 weapons for quick access. Make sure you organize this wisely in order to be best equipped for fights. I recommend having a pistol, shotgun, sniper, and an explosive weapon (grenade launcher, mines, pipe bombs). As for your knife, if something is breakable the game will automatically use your knife to break it but you can always go to your inventory in the pause menu, click on the knife, and press “equip”. You can do the same for any other weapon you own. MAKE SURE YOU KNOW WHERE YOU SLOT EACH OF THE FOUR WEAPONS TO MAKE THE FIGHTING EASIER.

These are all tips that I found worked best in the late game and wished I would have known in the earlier game. Of course, you are more than welcome to play your own style but I strongly recommend following these tips throughout the game so you can survive longer as well as enjoy the story of the Resident Evil franchise.

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