In today’s gaming community, many players are switching to controllers after years of using a keyboard and mouse on PC. Whether you’re using a controller for the first time or picking it back up after many years, learning or relearning game control mechanics is no small task. Let’s dive in and take a deeper look at how you can get used to playing controller on PC.
First, let’s get something straight. There’s no “one size fits all” approach to learning. The goal is to form new muscle memory for the controller. For those who have been playing keyboard and mouse for years, it is exceedingly difficult to break your old habits and form new ones on a controller. Everyone is different and has their own way of improving so don’t feel like everything in this guide is a requirement to getting better at controller. With that being said, let’s get into it.
Learn on the run.
I’ve always been fond of the “jumping in the deep end” approach. You’ll see a lot of players hop right into games and learning controller on the fly. For many, this is a great option because you learn your mistakes much quicker and can adjust your controller settings as you game. This approach works best in fast-paced FPS games where if you die you respawn in a short period of time to hop right back into the action.
Many new controller players will hop into a Battle Royale game, die their first gunfight, then have to wait for a new lobby before playing again. This has shown to hurt more than help for many players, so try to stick with multiplayer modes or similar. Repetition is key to getting used to controller on PC as it helps form muscle memory.

Lots of practice.
I know, you’ve heard this from everyone, and you’re tired of hearing it. Listen, everyone at some point in time picked up a controller for the first time and was absolutely terrible. Now it’s your turn. Constant practice with a controller is going to help you form that muscle memory over time. Some players form it quicker than others. There’s no mathematical equation on how many hours you need to put it to be great on controller. All you need to know is there’s always room for improvement.
Many players will hop into custom matches with bots and practice that way while others will play multiplayer or warm up with aim trainers. These are all great options to focus on your movement and precision. You’re going to get frustrated and you’re going to want to switch right back to keyboard and mouse cause that’s what is more comfortable to you. Don’t give up if this is really something you want to learn and master. In the end, it will all be worth it.
Getting used to analogs and camera movement.
When you play with a controller for the first time or after a long break, you’re going to need to get the basics down. That includes just getting the feel for moving the analog sticks and how the camera movement works. A great option here would be to hop in an open-world or sandbox-type game. I know many people who will play Minecraft for a while and that helps them get used to moving the analog sticks around and getting the feel for the movement. Personally, I love to hop in a story-rich campaign game like Assassins Creed or something similar to get familiar with the camera movement.
Once you’re comfortable with the movement, go ahead and hop into some multiplayer games that are a little faster pace. After playing multiplayer for a while, you’ll finally be ready to start improving your aim and even hopping into some Battle Royale games if that’s what you like. Remember, movement is key and if you have a controller with paddles or extra buttons on the back then that can make it much easier for you.

Improving your aim.
We all want to have the best aim and that doesn’t come easily. I highly suggest focusing on improving your aim last. Yes, this is the main focus in any FPS game but if your movement is terrible then your aim will be no better. Let’s say even if you had great aim, another player with better movement and equal aim with outplay you any day. Now, for improving your aim you need to hop into multiplayer or custom games and adjust your sensitivity as you play.
There are so many players who will use their favorite streamer or pro player’s sensitivity and it’s way too high for them. A great starting point is to have a lower sensitivity and play on it for a while to get used to it. Later, once you feel comfortable, go ahead and increase it a little and repeat the same process. Over time your muscle memory will be accustomed to the higher sensitivity which is great for games that require faster reaction times. I’m going to keep saying this, repetition will be your golden ticket to getting used to controller on PC.

Tips and add-ons for controllers.
Now, these suggestions are by no means necessary but are a nice touch if you’re looking for something different. Let’s take a look.
Analog grips. These are a great addition if your thumbs tend to slip off the sticks often. Many players will get the popular KontrolFreek grips but there are plenty of affordable off-brands that work fine.
Performance grips. If you have a problem with your hand grip slipping due to sweaty hands, then these grips will be great for you. You simply apply these to your controller like a sticker and it has a rougher texture that will create greater resistance to avoid slipping. Some controllers already have this feature included.
Paddles or Buttons. This isn’t something you can just add to a controller but is something to keep in mind when buying one. A lot of players find it useful to have extra paddles or buttons on the back of their controllers for added movement keys.
Turn off vibration. Just turn off the controller vibration. All it will do is mess up your aim and you don’t need that. It may seem weird at first with your controller not vibrating when shooting or being shot at, but overall, you will have a much better gaming experience without it on.
There’s a variety of ways to get used to playing controller on PC. Everyone has their own way of learning and I’m sure you can apply a few of these tips to help you out. Remember that nothing worth getting good at happens overnight. Just like excelling in sports, building up a company, or learning a new skill, it takes a huge time commitment to make any progress towards getting better.
Getting used to playing controller on PC is just the beginning. Now it’s time for you to use what you’ve learned today and take it to the next level. For some people, it may take a week to get used to the controller and for others may take a few months. The end result is all that matters and once you’ve accomplished that then the only thing left is moving forward and taking on new challenges. Good luck gamers and welcome to the controller squad.