Are you too high a rank or vise versa to play with your friends? Or do you just need a break from that one friend who is holding you back from ranking up? Maybe you need to brush up and check out some tips to advance your skills a little. No matter your situation, there are a few agents that will work great for you when playing solo. Once you find the right agent, you will be ranking up in no time once you’ve mastered them.
The best solo queue agents to rank up fast in Valorant will be based on your playstyle as well as the viability of the agent’s abilities. Once you know your playstyle, the best agents to look into are Raze, Phoenix, Omen, Sage, and Jett. Their abilities are essential for any team and each agent can be played without heavily relying on teammates.
9. Yoru

Yoru will mostly be for lower-ranked players. I hesitate to put him on this list but he offers of few good qualities for solo queue players. His flashes are very good for taking on enemies rushing his lane.
Not only that but Yoru’s teleport ability can be used in a few different ways. You can actually teleport to your desired location. You can send out your teleport, flash, then active your teleport. Or you can just send it out as a fake to distract the enemy. His fake footsteps can be nice when rotating or committing to a site. You can throw your footsteps and follow close behind them or simply throw them down a plan and rotate to the other site.
Yoru’s ultimate is also great for getting intel and enemy locations and getting behind enemy lines which makes him great to use during solo queue.
8. Breach

Breach is an initiator. What makes him a great solo queue agent to rank up fast is his flashes. You can be holding your own lane and hear an entire team pushing. Send a few flashes out there and all that team will see is the bright lights to heaven while you get your Ace.
Another great quality of Breach is that he can clear corners with his canon from a great distance away if needed. Not only can he flash and clear corners, but he can also stun. If your an aggressive gamer and love to entry then Breach is a top choice for sure.
Even his ultimate will send enemies flying and stunned while you rush in for the free kills. Alternatively, you can use his ultimate to stop the enemy from planting or to play post-plant and knock your enemies off the bomb trying to defuse.
7. Brimstone

Brimstone changes a lot of aspects of your match. His 15 second smokes are great for taking sites or controlling the map in your favor to keep the enemy guessing. Fake smokes are also a great idea. Brimstone also has a Molotov. These are great for clearing corners or stopping a rush from the opposing team. There are tons of lineup you can research for post-plant mollies.
Another great trick is shooting your Molotov into your smoke, that way it will prevent any lurks from trying to hide in it. His stim beacon isn’t utilized much but is still a solid ability. It increases the fire rate for you and your team’s weapons that are inside the circle and for a short period after you step out. Some people will throw the stim beacon as a distraction while other teammates rotate.
Brimstones ultimate makes him a great solo queue agent. You don’t need to hold angles on-site, you don’t need to contest, just play for post-plant and light that baby up.
6. Reyna

Reyna scares opposing teams for a reason. When she throws her flash (Leer), players are forced to shoot if to reclaim vision if they are exposed. You can throw her flash to entry or just to see when enemy fire comes from. In higher ranks, most players with just not peek and will take a different angle for the fight so you need to keep that in mind.
When Reyna gets a kill or assist an orb will appear. You have the option to either heal or teleport. This is where you need situational awareness and decide which is best. Since you only have 2 times you can heal or teleport you need to use them wisely and you don’t always have to utilize them.
Lastly is her ultimate. Once activated, her fire rate is increased and once she gets a kill she instantly starts to heal without you needing to activate her ability. As an added bonus to make her a great solo queue agent, during her ultimate you have unlimited teleports when getting a kill.
5. Jett

Jett is fast and can get easy map control. There’s no arguing that Jett can get out of sticky situations with ease as she dashes away. Many times have occurred when I have a Jett in my sites and she dashes across the lane.
The versatility of this agent is great for aggressive players. She can quickly smoke for map control and entry onto a site. Her updraft lets her get in hard-to-reach spots that players may not expect to look. Combined with her dash, uplift can be a dangerous combo.
With Jett’s ultimate, you get a set of knives that can be hurled at enemies. One to the head, dead. A few to the body, dead. Is the enemy too close to you? Right-click with knives out, dead.
4. Sage

Sage takes little effort and also has map control with her wall. Using Sage’s ice wall early round can cut off an entire lane for the attacking team. On the contrary, if attacking, her wall can be used to take a site and clear plant. Ice orbs are great to slow enemies who try to rush site and give you time to push back and retake with your team. They can also be used to slow rotations and flankers.
Of course, we have her heal. Everyone loves and bugs the heck out of you to heal them. We love heals. Lastly is her ultimate. It should go without saying but a resurrection mid-round is always a big help to even out the numbers or give you the advantage.
3. Omen

Omen is another map control agent that can be used for lurking or aggressive gameplay. His smokes give great map control and last 15 seconds and recharge during the round. If you want to play more aggressively you can use his blind or if you’re being pushed you can blind the enemy to push them back.
There are so many combinations of things to do with Omen. Use his teleport to get out of sticky situations or to get in unsuspecting spots. You can even fake teleport on top of objects and grab a kill while the enemy looks for you.
Omen’s ultimate is great in a variety of situations. I good example is if all remaining enemies are on one site you can ult to the opposite site for the plant. There are tons of things that make Omen a great agent to solo queue in ranked.
2. Phoenix

Phoenix can take on 1v1 situations more easily than other agents. Whether you’re a new player or not, Phoenix is a great choice for solo queue. His flashes make for great entry onto a site or to scare off enemies who try to rush you.
Not only that but Phoenix can also self-heal in 2 different ways. His molly can be thrown straight at the ground and when you stand in the fire you begin to heal. When throwing your firewall you can stand in it to heal as well. Both these abilities are great to heal but also provide essential map control and can stop enemies in their tracks from pushing onto a site.
To make Phoenix even better, his ultimate is basically like a second life. Once activated you can rush enemy players as they fearfully run away and try to grab some kills. Phoenix is a solid choice to solo queue in ranked and will provide you with every ability you need to win.
1. Raze

Raze is hated by opposing teams and loved by allies. She makes a great solo agent because she can clear corners with either her boom bot or grenade which helps your team entry or you if solo pushing.
Raze also offers quick mobility with her satchels to get across openings without getting taking damage or to entry onto a site. If need, the satchels can be used to evade enemies as well.
Raze is even more frightening when her ultimate is activated. You basically whip out a giant rocket launcher and have one shot to kill your enemy. It does a great amount of splash damage and is best used if the enemy team is rushing as a group. All in all, raze is the best choice if going into ranked play solo.